It’s nearly the end of August and I can’t believe it’s almost over. Let’s savor the last couple of days we have. Also, all 5 of the kids are back in school as of today (8/31) and this morning was hectic, to say the least.
The Work-from-home niche still seems to be on fire as well so we are leaving these deals run through the end of August – act quickly before they are gone:
- 100% bonus send amount on any Solo Email Ad (minus the heavy hitters – but there are some deals there also) – Check these out here:
- 10% bonus send amount on any SMS Text Ad (minus the heavy hitters – but there are some deals there also) – Check these out here:
- New – Complete Lead Solution – Get and email/text hot leads on autopilot every month. Check this out here:
Just a reminder that the bonus send amounts are just that and not a pricing discount.
If you have any questions, just Contact Us.