100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.

How to request your Money Back:

  • Email support (at) extremeleadprogram.com, be sure to reference the order number (just reply to the order update email if possible) and let us know that you want a refund.
  • We do not require a reason, however, we would love to work with you and make you happy.  If possible, please let us know the issue and what, if anything we can do to resolve the matter and we will work with you diligently to provide a prompt adequate solution.

Eligibility Requirements For The Money Back Guarantee (You Must Meet All Of These):

  • You must be a first-time customer (this must be your very first order with us).
  • The order total must be less than $49.95 (not equal to or less than, but less than).
  • You must notify Extreme Lead Program within 5 days after placing the order via the instructions above (must be in writing, a phone call/message will not work).

* Downloadable Lead Files Do NOT Qualify For Our Money Back Guarantee or Lead Replacement Policy.